Friday, February 24, 2017

A Day In The Life (Of A Fibro Flare)

Just a glimpse of my day with a flare.

I woke up around 3am to pee.  That’s not weird, we all do it.  This morning was different, though.  This morning when I went to move the blankets off of myself, I was greeted with excruciating pain from the right side of my neck to the left side of my ass.  I barely twist my torso or turn my head to the right.  I didn’t just sleep wrong.  The pain in my neck had started the day before, it was just way worse now from being asleep.  I made my way to my feet and almost fell back down.  My ankles were in quite a bit of pain, too.
[For those unaware, a fibro flare is what we call it when the pain is just way worse.  Many things can cause a fibro flare, including the weather, emotional stress, and physical stress.  For me, a flare caused by physical stress almost never lasts more than a week.  Flares in general can last anywhere from a day to several months.  I’m lucky today, I know what caused this flare.  I worked too hard.  My job isn’t physically demanding, but I lifted one too many light boxes, left myself turned to the side for too long, didn’t sit down enough, etc. over the last two days, and now I’m paying for it.  At least it won’t last too long, my guess would be a day or two, as long as I rest, take Epsom salt baths, do some gentle stretches, and be careful.] 
After I got back in bed, it was hard to sleep.  I had been extra tired from working a few more hours than I normally do, so I scheduled my day in a way where I could sleep until about 11am.  That didn’t really happen.  I kind of dozed in and out of sleep until my alarm went off.  It’s difficult to sleep when your body screams at you every time you move at all.  I had planned all week to work today, and one of my least favorite things is letting the pain ruin my plans, so I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, got dress, and had some breakfast.  I took a norco.  I usually only try to take them one half at a time, but I took a whole one.  I hate taking norco, it destroys my stomach, sometimes it gives me headaches, and it throws off my sleep cycle.  The pain was too bad not to. I put on some eyeliner before I left for work.  If I have at least a tiny bit of makeup on, nobody asks me if I’m feeling okay.  I hate that question.  By most peoples’ standards, I haven’t felt okay since I was 12 years old.  Okay for me is a terrible day for a healthy person, so “are you feeling okay” is kind of a surprisingly complicated question for me.  By the time I was about halfway to work, my range of motion had greatly increased just from moving around some.  Driving kind of forces you to turn you head no matter how bad it hurts, which helps up to a certain point on days like this.  Around this time, I started trying to decide how I wanted to word the fact that I could do all of my regular sit down work, but I would need help with any lifting that needed doing at all.  That’s when the feelings hit.  There are so many emotions that come with fibro, it’s infuriating.  The closer I got to the office, the more I felt embarrassed, ashamed, and guilty for what I was going to be asking.  I should mention that nobody there has ever given me any reason to feel this way.  I work with friends, and they’re very understanding and kind.  The only person who gets mad when I do this, the only person who accuses me of being lazy and not trying hard enough, is me.  I was mad that what I had done the last two days had been too much for my body to deal with.  Even though I didn’t feel like it was too much, I was mad that I hadn’t realized sooner that it was.  I was mad that I let myself get that far.  I was embarrassed to ask for help.  I was ashamed that I can’t be stronger.  I felt guilty because everyone else had worked so much harder than me all week, and I’M the one needing help now.  I got to work, I made my request.  The response was as it always is, as I had expected it to be.  “Just let us know what you need help with.”  I spent the day trying to avoid socializing.  It’s really difficult and emotionally draining for me to not be social, I’m an extrovert by nature.  I know that not talking to people is going to make me feel worse, but I just feel like if I talk to anyone, they’ll see the pain all over my face and think I’m weak.  I also know how ridiculous that is. 

I’m home now.  We ordered dinner, cooking was out of the question for me today.  My brain is all fuzzy and everything hurts.  I have homework to do this weekend, and an exam I have to take online tomorrow, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to do well when I feel like this.  I’ll feel better in a day or two.  

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